Friday, November 19, 2010

Thank You Parents!

I would just like to thank all of the parents who shared their time over the last two weeks to help with math rotations.  It has made a very significant improvement in the students' time on task.  If you are interested in being added to our calendar please just send an email.  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Students Participate in a Bully Lesson

Students volunteered to act out a bully circle to prompt discussion and ways to prevent bullying in our school.


We are collecting items for Brownsburg Cheer Committee.  Our school has been specifically assigned the following items: baby cereal, baby food, cake mix, canned fruit, cereal,pasta, rice, peanut butter/jelly, Pop Tarts, soup and toothpaste.  This collection will continue until Friday, December 3.

This Friday is Movie Night.  It is a special fund raiser for Eric Green.  Tickets must be purchased ahead of time and the cost is $4 per student or a maximum of $8 per family.  Please don't forget to print the permission slip and send that in as well.  In Eric's honor we are having a "Green" spirit day on Friday.  The class with the most green will win a popcorn party. 

Yankee Candle pick up is today, November 16th and tomorrow, November 17th at Harris Academy.  Hours are from 4:00 pm-8:00 pm.

Everyday Math

Julle and Bobby use manipulatives to understand fractions and mixed numbers.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Red Ribbon Week

This week, October 18-20 is Red Ribbon Week : "Uniquely Me-With the Power To Be Drug Free"
We have theme days all week. Have fun and participate as much as possible.
Monday: Theme "Drugs Destroy Dreams"  Wear pajamas to school  Don't forget to bring shoes for PE.
Tuesday: Theme "Don't Flip for Drugs" Wear flip flops
Wednesday: Theme "Wear Red and Win" Wear as much red as you can

Enjoy this fun week and look forward to a long weekend!

Friday, October 15, 2010

October News

It is the time of year to get together! (That's something to smile about!)  I am looking forward to getting to meet with all of you the week of November 8th.  I will be sending home appointment times on Friday, October 15th.

I am also hoping to see many of you on Friday, October 29th when the children will share the stories they have been working on during October.  I am planning this day to be a fun fall celebration with pumpkin measurements, sharing stories and fall snacks.

Many children are bringing their iPods to class.  We have had some good classroom applications such as using the scientific calculator and reading novels from them.  My two concerns are the possibility of one ending up lost/taken and students using them at inappropriate times for games. I know that this is a very expensive item and want you to please discuss the risk your child is taking in choosing to bring it to school.  If a child is using their iPod for an activity he/she shouldn't be, or at an inappropriate time, I will hold it until the end of the day and ask him not to bring it back to class. Thanks for your help with this.

Caesar's Wall of Fame
I have started a Caesar's Wall of Fame this year.  Students have 4 opportunities to earn a spot on the wall by earning 100% on all quizzes for the quarter.  This first quarter we have 5 students who have achieved that honor.  I have purchased a Caesar costume and each child will have their picture taken and posted on the wall outside our classroom.  Students will also receive a designation on their achievement banner in the classroom.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Check out Applebee's

Tonight, Tuesday, September 14th is a Dining to Donate Night for Brown.  Please consider taking the night off from cooking and going to Applebee's. Please bring the flyer with you so our school can receive the credit.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Three Cups of Tea

Here  is a great opportunity for a connection to a book we will be reading later in the year.  The Brownsburg Public Library is hosting a program connected to the book Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson.  It is on September 8 at 6:00p.m.  There will be an adult book discussion and a Travel Club for grades 1-5.  Give the library a call for more information or go to the One County One Book website at:

Dog Dash

Here is the information about the upcoming Dog Dash.  Our race will be on Friday, September 10 from 10:50-11:20.  Students will have an index card pinned to their shirt.  It will be marked each time they make a lap around the track.  After the race, the card will come home so students can collect any pledges made according to laps. PSG has generously paid for each student to have a shirt for the race.  This will be their class shirt for the year.  We look forward to more nice weather and an enjoyable fund raiser.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Well, I would say a three day weekend is something to smile about!  I hope all of you enjoy some extra family time on this beautiful weekend.  We have had some illness in our classroom this week, including me, so I am stressing the need for frequent hand washing.  It seems like we are all back and doing okay today.  Here is some of the news from our classroom:
Math: We are well into our new math program and slowly working out our routines.  Students stay in their grade level groups and work through the following rotation each day for a total of 90 minutes of math:
Direct teacher instruction (45 minutes) Center rotations - (15 minutes each) Computer- Everyday math online, Game - Landmark Shark, Name that Number etc., Journal work or Mt. Math. Most students have memorized their login for the online games, but they have their cards taped into their math composition books and they also have it written into their assignment notebooks for reference.  Thank you so much to the parents that gave their time to help organize the games.  They are a fun part of the new math program and we use them each day.
Language: Each Monday students are given a new spelling list (pink half sheet) and a spelling packet.  Packets are due on Wednesday and we take out first spelling test.  Students that score a 100% are done with spelling for the week.  Students missing one or more words write and practice only the words missed and then take test two on Friday over only the words missed.  Caesar's English is a weekly component that is cumulative.  We have been through lessons one and two.  Student learn 5 new stems or 5 new vocabulary words each week.  They are also responsible for remembering the previous week's terms.  Each student was given a ring to add index cards to each week with the new terms.  Some students chose not to use the rings and are using a little file envelope.  Either way, they should have an up to date set of terms on Monday afternoon.  They can and should take these home on Monday and review for 5 or 10 minutes each day.  Shorter and more frequent reviews are better than one long study session the night before. Tests are on friday.
Reading: We have completed our first novel,Among the Hidden. Students have been working this week on cereal box summaries.  They will be on display outside the classroom if you are in the area and want to check them out.  Our next novel will be When Justice Failed and we will begin that next Tuesday.
Science: We have been introduced to two of the 10 truths and students have been reading senarios and participating in small group discussions.
Social Studies We have been working on map skills as well as the Declaration of Independence.  We will continue next week to look in detail at the Declaration as well as the Constitution.
Class Meetings: We have a weekly class meeting on Friday afternoon and students are given the task of chosing one classmate to write a compliment to during the week.  Compliments are read during the meeting and then given to the student.  We also discuss bully prevention ideas such as ways to include eveyone or address any issues we are having.

As you can see, we have quite a lot going on in class.  The group is wonderful and they have shown great leadership in these first weeks of school.  Please encourage your child to take out their assignment notebook each evening and have it handy as they go through their events and assignments from the day.  Some children are still not used to using these tools and they think just writing the assignment down is enough.  It is too hard for them to remember everything and if they go down the list each day, they are less likely to forget an item.  Thank you for your reinforcement of this at home.  Next Friday is our PSG Dog Dash.  Please look in red folders this evening for a sponsorship envelope.  That's the news for now.